Volume 4 

Release Info
- Title: Bibirashita Otoko (ビビらした男)
- Publication Date: August 4, 2003
- Page Count: 200
- ISBN-10: 408873498X
- ISBN-13: 9784088734989
Release Info
- Title: Intimidation
- Publication Date: October 10, 2005
- Page Count: 200
- ISBN-10: 1421500744
- ISBN-13: 9781421500744
Original Serialization: Weekly Shonen Jump 2003 #10 - 2003 #18
Sena and Monta pick up a large bakery order of cream puffs with a sleepy Kurita, who was kept awake all night by his own excitement over team interviews. As they prepare the clubhouse, Kurita falls asleep whilst remembering how he and Hiruma did the same thing last year. They waited the whole day for interviewees, but nobody came, so Hiruma left and Kurita tearfully ate all the cream puffs alone. After Hiruma wakes him up by squirting wasabi up his nostrils, Kurita is overjoyed to find Mamori feeding cream puffs and coffee a large crowd of interviewees.
Their first interviewee is Manabu Yukimitsu, a lanky, nerdy second-year with an unusually large forehead. Forced to attend cram school since he was a child, Yukimitsu was never allowed to play sports and wants one good memory of his school years. He says that despite his poor physique, he will try his best to help the Devil Bats win and live by Eyeshield 21's resilient example. After Yukimitsu leaves, a stubby first-year bursts through the door and knocks it off its hinges.
In short, gruff phrases, the first-year identifies himself as Daikichi Komusubi and begs to be Kurita's apprentice. Komusubi speeds out with a long, happy grunt when Kurita happily agrees. The rest of the interviewees pour in afterward, many only expressing admiration for Eyeshield 21, much to Monta's chagrin. After interviewing a sleazy student named Miyake, Kurita vocally worries that many of them will quit as soon as playing gets difficult. So Hiruma decides to hold try-outs to test their dedication.
On the day of try-outs, Hiruma brings everyone by subway to Tokyo Tower for what he calls the "Tower of Hell." Everyone must run up the Tower steps while carrying large bags of sugar-laced ice. If it all melts before reaching the top, they must start over; those who make it to the highest observation deck with at least one cube intact will join the team.
The try-outs begin, with some already leaving at the sight of the difficult challenge and others gathering their ice from Mamori.The Hah Brothers, who found themselves roped into the try-outs after chasing Komusubi for scoffing at them, resume their chase with ice-bags once he scoffs at them again. Sena and Monta race each other for the title of team's ace. Yukimitsu struggles behind everyone else as he drags an overfilled ice bag behind him.
Yukimitsu makes it halfway up the steps before Miyake and his friends mug him for his ice bag, forcing him to start again.
Komusubi bursts in with most of his ice intact, with the irate Hah Brothers panting right behind him. Kurita makes more shaved ice treats from what remains in their bagsHiruma tells everyone to get ready to go when an exhausted, sweat-drenched Yukimitsu collapses through the doorway. Kurita pours the thoroughly melted icewater into a bucket and Hiruma stares at Yukimitsu quietly. He takes a single cube from the ice shaver, drops it in, and declares that Yukimitsu made the cut. Yukimitsu's tired face beams as his forehead glints proudly.
Each of the Devil Bats make preparations before leaving for Sunday morning practice. Mamori finishes putting together a contacts list and faxes it to an excited Kurita. Komusubi promises his manly father that he'll be loyal and unwavering as Kurita's apprentice. Yukimitsu assures his suspicious, ill-tempered mother that he's going to school to study, and not for a club. Sena and Monta leave their houses to walk together to school.